Sunday 28 October 2012

Character Race Descriptions

In order to further define the characteristics and roles of the three races within the Project, I created a short bio for each; similar to those used in games such as Dota II and League of Legends:

Sand King's Bio from Dota II, found here.

Lulu's Bio from League of Legends, found here.

The race descriptions for this Project read as follows:

A mysterious and elusive race, the Atlanteans have sought to keep their culture and whereabouts hidden from the World above water for aeons. Although they may seem stuck in the tribal traditions of old, their might in battle in not to be underestimated. They wear masks that represent their chosen deity and with them are able to summon ancient divine power.

Fuelled by knowledge and an insatiable curiosity, Explorers seek to uncover the secrets of the Atlantean people in the name of science. The Explorers have harnessed the power of technology to enhance their capabilities on the battle ground, favouring firearms as their weapon of choice. They are able to increase their stamina with the help of energy stores and oxygen within their suits. 

Sea Creatures
Originally created by the Atlanteans as a means of protecting the City, the cursed sea creatures now forge their own legends on account of their unspeakable brutality. Although much of their origins remains unknown, their ferocious energy in battle is assured. Advantageously adapted predators within their environment, they possess a natural resilience to physical offence.

Monday 22 October 2012

'MOBA' Games

Although the chosen game genre for the project was originally horror, after conducting more research I have come to the conclusion that the 'Multiplayer Online Battle Arena' (MOBA) genre would be a much more appropriate choice to enhance the character design within my portfolio. 

Unlike other genres such as role playing or adventure games, in which the simultaneous  progression through narrative and environments form the body of the gaming experience, MOBA games remain fixed and constant within a single arena more akin to the fighting genre.  In place of solo, linear game-play, the focus of the MOBA games concerns the knowledge and strategic utilisation of an expansive roster of playable characters in co-operation with other players. With both character orientated visuals and interface, the design of these characters is ever prevalent throughout the experience.

As the player and his or her particular strengths will be represented by their chosen character and viewable by other players online, the designs must be appealing and easily distinguishable from one another. This requirement for visual variety and strong identity will be implemented within the elaboration stage of the design process using the silhouette technique.

Character Roster Capture from DoTA II

Character Roster Capture from League of Legends

As such I will amend my original brief to reflect the slight update in direction. 

More information on MOBA games here:

More information on the silhouette technique here:

Monday 15 October 2012

Initial Pre-Production Idea

I intend to create preliminary artwork for a video game which will explore the design processes and techniques used to generate both character and environment concepts. The chosen target audience will be eighteen plus, as this will allow the design to adopt a realistic and sophisticated style whilst preserving the opportunity to create potential horror or violent themes.

The designs for this project will be influenced by my own research into the myths, academic studies and literary fiction surrounding the legendary lost city of Atlantis. This particular concept has been chosen based upon the abundance of both theoretical and fictional text inspired by the popular legend. I intend to research and visually translate this information in order to create my own creative adaptation within the context of a video game.

In addition to providing an abundance of inspirational research and textual information, the visually rich Atlantian mythos requires the inclusion and interpretation of an undiscovered civilisation, providing inherent opportunities in which to explore environment, character and technological designs that omit the ordinarily stifling reliance on historically accurate imagery. This creative freedom will foster a serendipitous and exploratory nature within the initial designs, ensuring a wide diversity of concepts are able to be generated and reflected upon preceding the production process.

The outcomes for this project will comprise of a variety of developmental and investigative artwork that will ultimately inform the context and aesthetic nature of my major project. The imagery and development for the subsequent major project will expand upon these preliminary concepts and be presented within a professionally printed book, demonstrating the design process in its entirety from pre‐production research and initial sketches to post production marketing illustrations and key scenes

Friday 12 October 2012


Atlantis is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written about 360 BC. According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean in a ingle day and night of misfortune". 

Athanasius Kircher's map of atlantis, 1669

The existence of Atlantis was discussed throughout classical antiquity, often being ejected or mocked. Only recently has the story been viewed as possibly being true. The concept of Atlantis has been used to inspire creatives since, such as Thomas More's Utopia and the more contemporary film 'Atlantis: The Lost Empire'. 

Plato was the only writer to mention Atlantis which suggests it was an imagined concept. The legend is more about the Heroic Athens than of a sunken civilisation which has changed as writers have become inspired by the Myth throughout the years. Ken Feder summarises "a technologically sophisticated but morally bankrupt evil empire - Atlantis - attempts world domination by force. The only thing standing in its way is a relatively small group of spiritually pure, morally principled, and incorruptible people- the ancient Athenians."

Whether the city existed or not it is a fantastic source of inspiration for varying narratives. The civilisation can be represented as calm and peaceful living under water, or technologically advanced war heroes trying to conquer Athens.